
Saturday 13 September 2014

Wooden Comb

Neem Wooden Comb

Neem is known as the medicinal plant for its immense health benefits. Neem is a recognized antibacterial and germicide; No insects or bacteria ever come close to neem products.

Many Ancient medical texts have demonstrated that Neem somehow inhibits the multiplication of viruses by combining with the skin cells. This blockage of virus growth imparts the germicidal and anti-allergic properties to Neem.

Scalp disorders such as dandruff and fungal infections are extremely common and what better to use a comb – something that we use everyday – made of a medicinal bark like Neem.

Neem combs are good for your scalp health.Regular combing with these combs is believed to inhibit dandruff as well as scalp infections. Benefits such as reduced hair fall are also claimed.These combs are designed specifically so that the points are not too sharp and you can get an excellent stimulating effect as the comb teeth glide over your scalp. Gently press against the scalp and comb as usual. It is a good practice to comb more often, as this not only stimulates the scalp cells but also keeps it disinfected. These wooden comb provides natural antibacterial effect with every stroke. Recommended for all ages. They are environment friendly and natural.

Wooden Comb Vs Plastic Comb :

Well if you don’t know then here are some benefits of wooden combs for your hair and scalp:
1 . Plastic and metal brushes are rough on the scalp. Wooden combs are soft and polished. They have a much softer feel than plastic or metal combs. If you have sensitive scalp then wooden combs can prevent bruising or scraping your scalp.

2 . Wooden combs prevent your hair from dying out because it helps to distribute oil from your scalp to hair . The sebum that’s produced on the scalp is distributed throughout the length which prevents your scalp from getting greasy.

3.Unlike plastic, it doesn't produce static or snap your hair . Wood has the property to not conduct electricity so it prevents damage from static.

4 . For long hair, wooden combs are best because they evenly distribute hair oils in the length. Your hair appears shiny, they give you hair an even and lustrous look.

Wooden combs come in many beautiful designs. Clean them regularly and they’ll last for a lifetime. Few samples and design of wooden comb are shown below. 

Cleaning Of Wooden Comb:

Never use water to clean wooden combs. Instead use natural oils like jojoba oil to clean them. A well-crafted wooden comb has an attractive appearance. Hence, they are a must accessory to keep with you. 

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